The Government of the Republic of Nauru

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Nauru honours World Refugee day

The Government of Nauru has declared Friday 20th June a public holiday in honour of World Refugee Day and in recognising and welcoming the refugees that are now living in our community.
To date, there are 41 refugees in our community - 29 are in family groups and 12 are single adult men.
World Refugee Day is observed in recognition of refugees and displaced people all over the world.
Many countries have held their own refugee days, and one of the most widespread is Africa Refugee Day, which is celebrated on 20 June in several countries.
The UN General Assembly, on 4 December 2000, adopted resolution 55/76 where it noted that 2001 marked the 50thanniversary of the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, and that the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) had agreed to have International Refugee Day coincide with Africa Refugee Day on 20 June.
The General Assembly therefore decided that from 2001, 20 June would be celebrated as World Refugee Day.
Nauru ratified the UN Convention on the Status of Refugees on 17 June 2011.
The ratification is in line with the government's list of priorities that address the signing of the various UN conventions on human rights issues.
Today, the Waqa Government is committed to ensuring that refugees living in Nauru live a decent and happy life in the community.
PROGRAM - World Refugee Day, Friday 20 June 2014
7.30am                                    -           Walk around the airstrip
                                                            Starting at Gabab point (Boe side)
9.30am                                    -           Soccer match between the refugees and Combined Nauru
Team (Denig Oval)
10.00am-3.00pm                    -           Food stall and handicraft displays at Centennial Hall, Aiwo
2.00-3.00pm                            -           Novelty sports at Centennial Hall, Aiwo
5.00pm                                    -           Official closing function (by invitation only) at Centennial Hall, Aiwo
The public is invited to take part in the day's events.